Home| The HinduModi government's nine-year rule has seen focus on welfare of poor: Scindia Modi government's nine-year rule has seen focus on welfare of poor: Scindia 0 News india May 29, 2023 Top Post Responsive Ads code (Google Ads) "Under the leadership of Prime Minister Modi, India has undergone surprising changes in the last nine years and established a self-reliant image," says Union Civil Aviation Minister Scindia from | The Hindu https://ift.tt/bEoWJ3P Below Post Responsive Ads code (Google Ads) Tags | The Hindu Newer Older मणिपुर में सेना ने 3 उपद्रवियों को दबोचा, खतरनाक हथियार...चीनी हैंड ग्रेनेड और डेटोनेटर किया बरामद