HomeThe Hindu - NationalGovt. assures Lok Sabha on future of Indian students evacuated from Ukraine, says will look into measures Govt. assures Lok Sabha on future of Indian students evacuated from Ukraine, says will look into measures 0 News india March 14, 2022 Top Post Responsive Ads code (Google Ads) Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan assured that the “government will ponder over making arrangements, whatsoever is required, to enable them to become doctors in future” from The Hindu - National https://ift.tt/8x7EvaB Below Post Responsive Ads code (Google Ads) Tags The Hindu - National Newer Govt Assures Lok Sabha on Future of Indian Students Evacuated from Ukraine, Says Will Look into Measures Older कांग्रेस के G23 समूह ने की थी मुकुल वासनिक को अध्यक्ष बनाने की मांग: सूत्र