HomeThe Hindu - NationalAndhra Pradesh to appeal Odisha to utilise Balimela water share for Rabi in Godavari delta Andhra Pradesh to appeal Odisha to utilise Balimela water share for Rabi in Godavari delta 0 News india November 27, 2021 Top Post Responsive Ads code (Google Ads) Andhra Pradesh is entitled to get 50% water from Balimela reservoir as per the water share pact; Godavari delta requires 90.22 TMC for Rabi season for irrigation and drinking purposes from The Hindu - National https://ift.tt/3raS3wc Below Post Responsive Ads code (Google Ads) Tags The Hindu - National Newer Meet the European chocolate connoisseurs celebrating Kerala’s cocoa Older 1,000 held in 20 countries as part of Interpol crackdown on cyber-enabled financial crime