HomeThe Hindu - NationalMaharashtra files caveats in SC on Maratha reservation Maharashtra files caveats in SC on Maratha reservation 0 News india June 28, 2019 Top Post Responsive Ads code (Google Ads) Aimed at ensuring no judgement is passed without hearing them; advocates say HC verdict is ‘disappointing’ from The Hindu - National https://ift.tt/2IXeUFa Below Post Responsive Ads code (Google Ads) Tags The Hindu - National Newer Morning digest: Another BJP leader attacks officer in MP, Small savings schemes interest rates lowered, and more Older पाकिस्तान-अफगानिस्तान के बीच मैच आज, टूर्नामेंट में दोनों टीमें पहली बार आमने-सामने